after that we walked around some streets in a 'village' called bqrendi/b - there aren't any real villages left as they've all merged into the suburban sprawl, but these people remain territorial about their own patch of rock! ...
Hal-Luqa tinghalaq ghal gimaghtejn shah....fejn ma tinghalaqx, iz-Zurrieq, l-Imqabba, bQrendi/b, Mellieha, Rabat, Sliema, Santa Venera??? Fil-festa ta' Haz Zebbug kienu jwaqqfu it-titjiriet kollha waqt il-hruq tan-nar!! Fil-festa tal-Imsida kienu jaghlqu b....../b One would rather prefare to take a 7-day bvacation/b in places like Cyprus or Corfu than a week-end in Gozo when you almost fork out the same amount of Euros. What about the well known "three-prices" (tlett prezzijiet). ...
Anthony Calleja Street); Triq Margerita De Brincat (Margreth De Brincat Street); Triq Qasam San Pawl (St Paul bEstate/b Road); Pjazza San Girgor (St. Gregory Street); Triq Santa Lu?ija (Santa Lucia Road); Triq Ta? Ker?em (Kercem Road) ...